Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery, Bangalore
The particulars of CICEF organization, functions and duties:
The Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery (CICEF), located in HMT complex, Jalahalli, Bangalore is a subordinate office of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
The Institute was established in January 1968 as Pre-investment Survey of Fishing Harbours by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO/UN). The primary objective of establishing this Institute was to carry out engineering and economic investigations and prepare techno-economic feasibility reports for the development of fishery harbours at suitable sites along the Indian coasts and to provide fishery harbour facilities to mechanized fishing vessels (MFVs). After the cessation of the FAO/UN assistance, the Institute received technical assistance in the form of equipment and expert consultancy services from Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) for a period of 2 years from January 1974. In August 1983, it was renamed as Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery. Expertise has been further developed in the subsequent years and from August 1983; the project is also catering to the requirements of Aquaculture Engineering for development of Brackishwater Shrimp Farms along the Indian Coast. The Institute received UNDP/FAO assistance in the form of equipment and consultant from 1986 to 1991 for the development of coastal aquaculture shrimp farms. During the period, four pilot Brackishwater shrimp farms and one shrimp seed hatchery were developed.
As a Nodal Agency, the Institute implemented the World Bank assisted Shrimp Culture Projects in the States of West Bengal, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh between 1992 and 2000. Under the World Bank assisted Shrimp Culture Project, the Institute carried out survey and sub-soil investigations at 13 sites covering a total area of 9640 ha. Techno-economic feasibility reports have been prepared in respect of 10 sites covering a total productive pond area of 3826 ha. Trial culture operations were carried out at Digha, Canning and Dighirpar in West Bengal and Bhairavapalem in Andhra Pradesh. The World Bank Assistance came to an end on 31.12.2000.
The Institute, till the end of March 2015 had carried out fishery harbor investigations at 96 sites and prepared project reports for 89 sites. The Institute monitors the progress of construction of ongoing fishery harbours sanctioned under Central Sponsored Scheme by the Ministry of Agriculture and renders technical guidance to the maritime States/Union Territories in the implementation of the projects.